Monday, November 7, 2011

A Grateful Heart

During this month of Thanksgiving I've been reflecting on things that I appreciate or am thankful to be able to enjoy. I've frequently answered the question what are you most thankful for with a very simple answer. I'm most thankful for the ability to walk, run, and enjoy the world around me. I never want to take simple things for granted in this life. I'm able to get outdoors and enjoy a wonderful day with my daughter and husband. Breathe in the fresh air and soak up the sunshine. I can't imagine one day being robbed of that.

Here are some other simple things that I am thankful for...

A wonderful little family that loves me for me, flaws and all.

A sister that has the ability to lovingly set me straight and tell me when I'm way off.

A dad that knows how to father a daughter.

A mother that I can call and ask how to make mashed potatoes.

A husband that respects me and loves me (pretty darn close to) unconditionally.

A healthy, joyful daughter that God blessed me with.


True joy.


An excellent read.

A funny T.V show.

The teachable spirit that I possess.

Life can be funny, challenging, dramatic, and downright crazy. But so often it is a matter of perspective. Looking at what you have and not at what you don't have is vital to true happiness. We can get stuck in a rut of "if I only had this or that" or constantly comparing and sizing ourselves against some one's measuring stick. That's no way to live. The grass maybe greener but look at your own. It maybe be dead or sparse but IT'S YOURS! You have the ability to make it as lush as you want, as bright and full as you want. You just need to get to it!

Approaching life with a balance between risk and caution is where I want to be. Content with where I am but not with my own growth. You can lose out on life when your focus is off. Little moments of joy float by unnoticed.

During this season I hope to take time to really look at the things I'm grateful for daily, breathe them in, take time for them and have a grateful heart.


  1. Well put! It's definitely the little things that matter most. We're commanded not to covet and look at our generation. It's all we talk about... Other peoples stuff! Why can't we just enjoy our own? :)

    P. S. I'm glad you made a blog! :)
